Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chef Mom

Most of my motherly duties I quite enjoy. But packing school lunches isn't one of them. I find that I look forward to when Zac's school is serving chicken nuggets or corn dogs. But Claire's school doesn't provide lunch so...today I thought I'd get a little creative and NOT pack a sandwich. I thought a plethora of choices would be a very satisfying lunch. Wouldn't you love yogurt, cheese, a nutri-grain bar, fruit, and milk?

Claire: Mom? Am I going to school tomorrow?

Me: Yes, of course.

Claire: Am I eating lunch?

Me: Yes.

Claire: Then pack me a SANDWICH! (Picture a fist pound on the table per syllable.)

Me: OK. What kind of sandwich?

Claire: Peanut butter and jelly...like always! (Fist pound, eye rolling, every word sort of sounded like, "Duh you idiot!")

Point made.


Rosemary said...

"So, Mom, like duh like really!" How could you expect an innocent child to eat such a healthy lunch. Heck, I had crepes for lunch yesterday, and they were divine - every blueberry drenched, whipped cream coated morsel. No regrets, no remorse!

Charlotte said...

Please, Mommy?

Susan said...

At least you'll always know where you stand with her, right?!