Some background- Zac's track record at Condit Elementary hasn't been that great. In Kindergarten he visited the principal a couple of times and then again at the beginning of first grade. I love Condit, but honestly they are extremely strict. I promise that I am not excusing his behavior but let me give you one example. After lunch he took a spork from the cafeteria out recess and was using it as a sling shot with some friends. I know! Totally creative! ;) Then the kicker was that it was "all his idea." I know! He's a leader! Anyway, his report cards were glowing except for the citizenship category and he missed a Popsicle party because he had 2 tickets and only kids with 1 ticket or less got to go. The worst was when he told me that he just wasn't one of those kids who gets awards. UGH! So you can imagine my surprise and utter delight when we received a letter from Condit letting us know that our son was selected to receive the "Soaring Condor Award" that means he has gone above and beyond in both citizenship as well as academics. On top of that his teacher has been raving about his change in behavior and we received a stunning report card. Relief as well as pride are only two of the ways I feel about this! Way to go Zac!