July 4, 1999 Eric (Bus and Mack) and I spent our first night at our first home,1422 N. Ukiah Way, watching fireworks on the roof. At the time 1400 sq. ft seemed like a mansion. 4 kids, amazing memories, and many dogs later, we felt a little squished.
Thanks to Butch and Roro we have now spread out quite a bit at their former home in Claremont. So far the perks are many. The kids all have their own room. There is so much space that the kids wrestling in the back of the house right now while I type isn't as annoying! When I have to take a kid to soccer, or the orthodontist, or a friend's house, it only takes 2 minutes. I love that I can hear the summer school bell at the high school across the street so I know when Eric will be home. Going to the grocery store means running into at least 3 people you know. The kids swim in the pool at least 2 times a day. And the neighbors are kind and actually visit with us. I could go one but I don't want to brag.;)
Butch and Roro's new home in Pilgrim Place is quite spectacular as well. In my opinion the best part is the parade location for the 4th of July.

July 4, 2013