Tuesday, August 16, 2011

All Done

I am not very motivated to write anything exciting here. Not to say my posts are ever very exciting but, you know what I mean. I just think the picture of Luke on the potty is getting old.

We are very close to the end of summer here. Soccer has resumed, Eric and I have begun to reclaim our class rooms, and the happy summer mommy I once was is fading. Sara already started 7th grade, Zac will begin 2nd, and Claire-bear starts Kindergarten! OH and we can't forget that Luke J. will be in the Busy Bee's starting September. We already stopped by for a visit and used their toddler sized potty. He thought that was great! He had to wave at them as we left.

So good-bye summer! You weren't too hot or too busy, just good. Looking forward to a new school year!

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Summer goes both oh-so-quickly and oh-so-slowly. Here's to more "slowly." Sara is already in school! Can't wait to walk Zac and Claire to school! And, Luke and I and the lawnmower - both human and mechanical - always have a great time. So glad he'll have his own mower to push this year. :-)