Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Sara visited this weekend to help celebrate Oma's 59th birthday and Butch's 72nd! We hadn't seen her since Christmas and she had lots to fill us in on. Like her sprained ankle and an ER visit. The sprained ankle was just Sara falling over herself and the ER visit was another Sara being Sara. Apparently she sat down on the couch and felt a sharp prick but didn't think much of it. As time passed she realized the pain was increasing. Eventually she said she began to scream especially after she realized she had sat on a pencil and it was deep within her leg. Don't worry. They got it out at the ER and put her on some drugs to ensure there would be no infection. It's ok. We laughed too and apparently so did her mom! :)
I have to note Saturday morning as a big event for us and Sara. We left her home alone with Luke J. for the first time. First I asked her about it casually to see how quickly and easily she would answer. Her response was immediate with a "Sure!" And I was just fine about it until I called Butch on my way out. I told him Sara was baby sitting for the first time and I mentioned a teeny bit of worry and his response is, "Yeah. I would worry too." Super comforting pastor. Thanks! But she survived and seemed to really enjoy it. When I got home I found this on the counter.

So sweet. Love her!

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

How very special and thoughtful of Sara. I think she is always wonderful with the kids and that letter is absolutely perfect. Luke, no doubt, was in hog heaven with a "playmate" for the time you all were gone. Butch was joking because he thinks she is mature and is great with the kids. Hooray for Sara! We love her lots!