Monday, January 17, 2011


It's beautiful right now in California. Perfect for a three day weekend in honor of MLK Jr. We took advantage and spent the evening outside. Yes I had to threaten to take away various hand held devices first, but once outside they were great!
Our concern for Luke's not talking is very real yet we are pretty sure he is attempting some words. Here is some extremely snotty, dirty video footage from our back yard fun.

Happy weekend all!


Butch Henderson said...

"Cheese" is good enough for me, a great start! Wish you'd posted a video of him pushing the power lawn mower. He's learning from Grandad Butch. (:>)

Rosemary said...

Love it! The dirt just adds to the whole shebang. Can't beat 87 degrees on January 17.

Susan said...

That's definitely "cheese."