Saturday, January 29, 2011

Basketball, Birthdays, Ballet, and Best friends

Last weekend when we celebrated Oma's birthday, Sara and I ventured to Glass and Bead to make a necklace for her. It was hysterical! As Sara put it, "There were many blond moments." But the result was a beautiful necklace that Oma loved. Happy Birthday Oma!

When we celebrated with Butch we did the usual Sunday tradition of "Noodle Night" and topped it off with a cake that the kids and I made. Sara (a perfectionist like her father) was very depressed because we didn't wait long enough to put on the frosting. We documented her feelings on the tragedy.

But it tasted great!

Happy Birthday dad!

Claire got promoted at ballet this month. I have to admit I am SO FREAKING PROUD! The teacher asked her to be in the class with Kindergartners, first, and second graders! She fits right in and is actually challenged. More importantly, she loves it! She will be in her first recital in June which is quite a production. Stay tuned!

Zac started basketball. Good thing since he has been claiming it as his favorite sport for quite a while now. Now he will find out for sure. He is having a blast with his best friend Kyle.

Another of Zac's good friends, Drew, came over for a play date today. They had a great time! Claire really wanted to get in on the action.

His parents were due to arrive at 12:30. At 12:33 I see Drew laying face down in the backyard crying. I felt some relief when there was no blood and a bit more relief when he barely cried and got right up to get some ice. He just got a good bump right in the middle of his forehead after falling from the tree swing. My play date nightmare come true! Thank goodness I have known his parents since Jr. High and they promise they will allow him over again some time.


Rosemary said...

Oh, it makes me sad to see Sara crying about the cake. It did taste SO GOOD, and Butch loved it. I heard him tell Sara how much he did appreciate the fact that she had gone to so much trouble to make it for him. Sara is a honey! It was a great b'day celebration.

Maria said...

Sara wasn't really crying. We were joking around, being dramatic! I'll tell her that her acting skills fooled you, mom. She should be proud!;)

Susan said...

You have to love the playdate gone bad! And, Claire looks SO GROWN UP sitting between those two big boys!