Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Woman in Training

I am so ahead of the game that I already purchased my kids Halloween costumes. Don't be that impressed. It hasn't worked in my favor since I haven't been able to get the costumes off my kids since. Claire especially. The poor girl has endured the spiderman costume until now. Now Cinderella has come alive in my home! Claire does everything in that dress (and the princess heels). She even took a nap in it. I am ok with all of this because I feel that it is my duty as a mother to teach Claire that a woman can do anything she wants even while wearing a ball gown and heels!

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Cinderella is spectacular! What a delightful sense of what's right with the universe. I love riding the scooter in the heels. Be sure to buy a 2nd dress because Cinderella will truly be CinderFella by Halloween. RoRo