Sunday, May 29, 2011

"My Tooth!"

It was about 2 weeks ago when I happened to notice that Claire had a permanent tooth at about complete development on her bottom row. Sorry second child! I was further stunned to realize her baby tooth in front was extremely loose! Sorry again oh middle child! Sure enough after lots of Claire drama and tears it fell out while eating ice cream. Yes, it was THAT loose! She was thrilled and surprised at how painless it was. The tooth fairy was not confident in his skills to retrieve a tooth from a very light sleeper, but he was successful. She is very proud and will show any and everyone her missing tooth.


Rosemary said...

Claire is truly a princess, and I would put her in the "Princess & The Pea" category. She cares, she notices what's going on, and she responds with gusto! So glad that her tooth "ordeal" had such an anticlimactic ending. I was also proud of myself when she called to tell us about it that I was able to control my laugh when she said it fell out while she was eating ice cream. Can't wait to see her on stage!

Charlotte said...

I always thought that the tooth fairy was a girl....