Sunday, January 4, 2009


Happy New Year!

Last night the first of many new changes that will occur this year happened. Usually our bedtime routine has been the divide and conquer technique. Eric takes care of Zac and Sara, and I take care of Claire. Well last night all was going according to routine until Claire and I got in her room to read books in bed.

Me: Claire pick out your books.

She hides her head in her blanket.

Me: Claire, pick out 2 books or we aren't going to read any!

She looks up and tilts her head coyly to the side and mumbles something.

Me: What?

Claire: I want to read with Daddy.

Me: (speechless)

Claire (loudly in case I didn't hear the first time): I want to read books with DADDY!!

Me(heartbroken): Ok. Let's go.

I guess even Claire is smart enough to know that soon mommy will be quite busy with the new baby. I am so glad she is the one to break the routine rather than me!

1 comment:

Susan said...

It's amazing, I think, how intuitive kids can be, and also how change to their routines are sometimes more difficult for us than them.

Also, wow. It's possible to divide and conquer at bedtime? I had no idea.