Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today the sun is shining and things are looking brighter around this house! Here is what we are doing today on this lovely Sunday. (Yeah. Not church. Guilt.)

In the weeks before today we have battled the stomach flu (Happy Mother's Day to me!), completed a masters thesis (Eric), received a final notice of "Nonreemployment" (me), prepared for Open House (mine), and fought another asthma attack/pneumonia (Luke) - scariest episode yet! Once again without the help of family we wouldn't survive it at all! There are days, and I know at least one person reading this can bond;), that I don't think I can manage it all. I am amazed my friendships, and marriage have persevered with only a little reparable damage!

A few extras -

*Eric is not nonreemployed (my new favorite not real word). He got an intent to rehire letter. Yay!

*Claire - (throwing up) I feel like I'm going to cry. Me - It's ok to cry, you are really sick and it is no fun! Claire - OK... Waaaaahhhhhh!!!

*Zac - (After I told him I can't go to an event at his school.) I want my Butchy to go!

*Sara "graduated" from 5th grade. She is now an official Junior High kid! She is so excited!

*As I type this, Luke is running around the house, in a diaper, with a pacifier in his mouth, and a hand full of my tampons. I think it's a step up from the pooper scooper.

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Gosh, I hope something exciting happens this next week because I don't any let down in this gay, mad whirl! It keeps me and "Butchy" young. Congrats to Eric on getting his Master's. Congrats to you, Super Mom!