Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy 6th Zac!

Birthdays. Fun, but admittedly lots of work!

There are so many issues when it comes to a November birthday baby. Here we are at the beginning of the year at a new school and it's time to make the invite list to the party. I have yet to receive a "Condit Caller" (phone book) so what to do? Invite the whole Kindergarten? Sorry. We are on a tight budget here. Especially since Zac's choice of venue (Pump It Up) charges for each kid over the planned amount. Zac made his list of friends and I spent the following 2 weeks secretly introducing myself to parents and passing them the invite praying that a child who wasn't invited didn't see. (By the way - never doing that again!)

The official celebration began last Wednesday when I went to Zac's class to share the home made brownies I made per his request. His teacher, Ms. Thompson, put a crown on his head and hugged him 6 times for each year. The kids snarfed down the yummies and were all so polite and thankful. I think he has made some really good friends. Shwooh! What a relief!

He came home that afternoon to receive his new (huge) bike (with hand breaks...yikes) and a well timed package from the Henderson crew in Kansas. We went to dinner at Pizza and Stuff and finished off the night with ice cream at Bert & Rocky's. Awesome!

Sunday the birthday party time had arrived. Everyone except 2 people on the list made it! (I feel some sort of personal achievement.) It was so much fun and I didn't have to do anything! With a baby at home and an overworked husband that was the best! The kids jumped and climbed until they were wet with sweat! There were only a few bumped heads and 2 ice packs needed but mostly tons of fun. New friends and old had a blast and spoiled Zac with such well thought out gifts. As I type, he is creating a masterpiece with one of the art activities RoRo gave him. We just ate the last bit of Oma's cake that was created to perfection, as always, and I have finally organized all of the gifts. Thank you notes here we come!

Because of all this celebration I hardly had time to reflect on the 6 years it has been since Zac entered this world. But the other night I lay awake for a while thinking. I thought about the third night of Zac's life when the chaos of a new baby had begun to settle. It was the middle of the night and I remember looking down at him in the bassinet. I can see it so clearly. I was suddenly hit with an overwhelming sense of love that has forever changed my life. Happy Birthday Zachary!


Rosemary said...

Beautiful! Yes, I got all teary-eyed. The party was a blast and it was so much fun to watch all of the kids AND the dads and a mom or two having fun jumping and sliding. Good time, good old-and-new friends, neat parents, right-on gifts, and good treats. Happy birthday, Zac!

Susan said...

Happy Birthday, Zac! We're so glad you had a great time.